To the Person Who Wants to Trade Smarter Every Day – But Can't Seem to Make it Work...

Discover how to demystify the market & finally master the skills of a pro trader

From the Desk of Tim Bohen


Hi there,

Over the last 12+ years, I’ve followed the stock market daily. My interest in trading piqued around the market crash in 2007. After gaining more skills in short selling (particularly low priced stocks) I decided to venture out into trading more actively. In 2013, I sold my 15+ year old company to trade fulltime and made it my personal mission to teach others to do the same.

Since I started trading full time, plenty of my STT Pro students have made far more than I* , all trading remotely with my guidance, mentorship, and coaching.

Many of them started just like I did: without a clue.

But after hearing enough of their stories, I can tell you that STT Pro helped set them up for success. With a good mentor and the right trading tactics, I’m convinced that you can make a living from trading stocks as well.

“I joined the Pro program just a couple days back. I've been exploring STT and today I had the opportunity to join you for your live webinar both PM and AM. LOVED IT! You obviously bring a lot of experience in trading to the table but more importantly I think you're very generous in teaching students what to look for and how to form trade plans.“


STT Pro Student

Trading isn't Just About the Money

Making money from trading stocks is wonderful — but it’s only one benefit.

Freedom of schedule, being able to do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it, and being able to work anywhere in the world (with the internet and a laptop) are all common side effects of trading.

“STT Pro turned out to be exactly what I was looking for, highly recommended especially for beginners. Tim, your Risk Management teaching is among the best I've come across. Also, your experience and guidance throughout the day not only keeps me away from lame stocks it also helps me pin down the better plays. I've managed to build a really reliable trading skill set and It's all thanks to STT Pro.

“I joined the Pro program just a couple days back. I've been exploring STT and today I had the opportunity to join you for your live webinar both PM and AM. LOVED IT! You obviously bring a lot of experience in trading to the table but more importantly I think you're very generous in teaching students what to look for and how to form trade plans.

I have hundreds of stories like these … all from STT Pro students. How would you feel if you could say the same types of things?

Do you think that would change your life?

Trading Stocks is Really Hard!

Despite all the freedom you could see from trading, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea … trading is NOT easy.

But, if it was, would it even be worth doing?

When I started trading it was a struggle to even set up a trading plan or make sense of the market. Now though? It’s a habit. I’ve done this full time remotely since 2007 and it’s given me a life I thought wasn't even possible. Right now for you though, trading from your laptop may feel like an impossible-to-reach goal.

But if you take small steps toward that goal every day you can make it a reality.

Consistent daily obedience is the key to achieving any big goal. Make a commitment to work on it every day, without skipping the training, and you might find yourself making smart trades regularly…

...and feeling confident as you do it.

“Wait, But I'm Not an Expert”

Neither am I. Well, at least not according to Wall Street.

I’ve never been a hedge fund manager. I’m not on CNN Money giving my opinion on “where the market is going.” And I don’t wear a suit and tie every day … all things you’d typically associate with “experts.”

But I have built an incredible life for myself since 2007 and learned a lot in the process.

Plenty of people can learn from what I know about trading stocks. And while I’m not on cable news as a talking head, I am making my own schedule, making winning trades on a regular basis*, and living life on my terms.

Chances are you want to do that too... And you’re in the right place. Because the guys on Wall Street who have been trading for 30 years are probably less qualified to teach than I. Here’s why: I remember what it was like to be brand new in the field.

I’ve failed a lot, had huge success, and overcome all the challenges you’re looking at now as a new or even intermediate level trader.

Truth is — every successful trader I know started before they “felt ready.”

So now…

You simply need to embrace the fact that you aren’t an expert and realize that it’ll take time to get there. Long-term success almost never happens overnight.

But, it can happen when you invest in yourself, find a mentor, and trust a proven process.

It's Your Life
Follow a Proven

I hear people say it all the time…

"Sure Tim, this works for you, but [insert excuse here]..."

I have over 12 years of trading experience, money in the bank, and hundreds of fantastic STT Pro student stories to prove them wrong. And it all comes from trusting and following a process.

That’s it.

And those are just a few of the STT Pro student stories from my huge testimonial folder I keep in my Google Drive. There are a lot more but I don’t have the space to list them all on this page.

All that to prove that this process can work for anyone who’s willing to put in the time, invest in the process, and show up every week.

Here are a few more small success stories from real STT Pro students:

“Tim! I just bought 200 shares at $6.89 average, sold at $8.21 for a $262 gain in 4 minutes.  Amazing man. Thank you again for your teachings!”
“In at 9:07 for $6.42 out at 9:42 for $9.10 Only had $870 in account but now at $1225.  Stock at 10:04 is $8.25 Thanks for talking me through it yet again!”

Start from Nothing

Learning to trade stocks takes time.

And it’s especially difficult when you may not have a trade plan, a goal, or a process to follow. But STT Pro changes that.

Just the act of making a good trade — and giving you a way to follow along — can make it substantially easier to become a serious trader. By attending my twice daily LIVE webinars, chatting with me LIVE (even on video chat), and trading alongside me every trading day of the year … you can cut your learning curve and learn how to make smarter trades in very little time.

As an STT Pro student, I’ll show you how to do it step-by-step.

With the right trade plan, a solid toolset, a little discipline, and a lot of effort, you can potentially make a living from this with my help.

"I’ve been a StocksToTrade Pro member for 1 month and I have no regrets! Once I became a member I was able to create a much better focus after only trading for a few months. Daily webinars and weekly strategy sessions are continuously adding to my learning this has definitely helped refine my trading. I document every trade in a spreadsheet, and when I asked head trainer Tim Bohen to review this with me he was quick to offer his time and easily plan around my schedule. Tim provided great feedback and offered more insight about my trades, he even set 1 hour aside just for me! Thank you Tim and the StocksToTrade team!”


STT Pro Student

Here's Everything You Get as a STT PRO Student.

100% LIVE Training Twice a Day (Mon-Fri)

Join STT Pro and get access to my twice-daily 100% LIVE webinars every day, Mon–Fri. With my real-time guidance, you'll never have to “wing it” or feel lost.

Ask Me Anything (Mon-Fri)

Have a question about a trade, stock, or company? You don't have to spend hours figuring it out on your own. Just ask me in the chat and I’ll point you in the right direction.

Discover How to Work from Anywhere

Run a “side hustle,” pay down debt, be able to go on vacation, or turn this into a full-time gig. No matter your goal, STT Pro can help you trade from anywhere (and have fun doing it).

“I joined the Pro program just a couple days back. I've been exploring STT and today I had the opportunity to join you for your live webinar both PM and AM. LOVED IT! You obviously bring a lot of experience in trading to the table but more importantly I think you're very generous in teaching students what to look for and how to form trade plans.“Just want to thank you for the year on STT PRO. It was incredible the amount I learned under you and how I view stock trading now. I remember I had to ask what a ‘r/g’ was and now I can look at a chart and know why it moved the way it did …plus I learned when to buy, when to sell, and when to ignore most important. After the video chat we had about how to work on my confidence things starting rolling!! Your teachings gave me the understanding, confidence and the belief knowing I can make this work!!”


STT Pro Student


What type of person should buy this?

A brand-new trader, or even someone who’s been trading for months or years. When you join you get:

Daily market open and close webinars…

Direct access to me

Weekly trade strategy webinars…

And a lot more...

I have more questions that need answering.

If you still have questions after reading this page please get in touch with us and we’ll answer all of them. The best way to reach out is to click the “See the Next Step Now” button below. You can also call or email:

(866) 345-4576
[email protected]


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